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Aeros Loop Studio: Get Started Fast (Quick Start Guide)

The Aeros is a looper pedal that has a TON of functions and a lot to offer, so it's easy to get overwhelmed and not know how to get started.


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Using Reverb After The Looper - Ambient Guitar Tutorial

Usually, the looper pedal is placed last in the chain, so that all the tweaking on the other pedals of your board doesn't affect what has been...

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Best Chords of Hammock (Departure Songs album)

In this lesson, I'm going to show you awesome post-rock chords that we can find on the album Departure Songs by Hammock.

Hammock is an ambient...

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Octaver Settings On Ambient Guitar Swells (my secret sauce)

In this fifth part of my ambient guitar tutorial series, I'm going to show you my secret sauce on how to get larger-than-life sounding ambient...

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Best Chords of Coldplay (on their debut album Parachutes)

In this lesson, I’m going to show you many chord shapes and chord progressions that stand out on ‘’Parachutes’’, the...

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Ambient Guitar Delay Pedals Stacking (best practices)

In this video, I'm going to show you my best tips on how to stack 2 delay pedals for the best results.

We're going to talk about how to use...

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Learn The Best Ambient Guitar Chord Inversions

In this video, I'm going to show you how to play inversions of popular ambient guitar chords: spread triads.

We'll see how to play them with Major...

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How To Create an Ambient Wash Underneath Your Guitar

In this new ambient guitar tutorial, I'll show you how to get a nice ambient wash underneath your guitar, while retaining the clarity of your dry...

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FREE Mini Course: Writing Songs With Delay Lines

In this premium training, I'm going to teach you how to get more inspiration to write songs by starting from simple delay lines.

This is something...

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How To Play Like Andy Summers (The Police Best Chords)

Here’s a full lesson on how to play the most popular chords in the hit songs of the band The Police!

And at the end, I’m going to give...

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