Learn how to create 2, 3 or even 4-voice harmonies on guitar using the most beautiful and expressive note movements.
Discover my step-by-step online course that shows you how to craft sensational harmonies, without sounding predicable, and without needing to learn any complicated music theory in the process.
Most harmonies we hear in the music we listen to sound very predictable.
It's because musicians nowadays rely on tools to create harmonies.
- Guitar players use harmonizer pedals. Just play your solo or melody and the pedal is going to do the rest.
- Producers and songwriters usually double their melodies in 3rd intervals, note for note. They might do it instinctively or use a plugin specifically made for that.
Those are all shortcuts.
The harmonies it creates sound pleasing to the ear, but they also sound very predictable and ‘’vanilla’’... nothing sensational.
Beautiful multi-voiced harmony arrangements are a lost art.
- Why do we still talk about J.S Bach 300 years later? Because of his outstanding ability to create 4-voice harmonies in beautiful counterpoints.
- Why is a song like Bohemian Rhapsody still so popular, even after 50 years? The harmony a cappella introduction just grabs you and amazes you, no matter how many times you're hearing it.

And unfortunately, I couldn't find many more examples of amazing harmonies like that in the last decades...
So I just HAD to know how to create amazing harmonies.
That’s why I spent 4 years studying music at university.
(if you didn’t know it, I have a bachelor’s degree in music education, and added an additional year of music composing studies).
I had to gain that solid foundation. To understand what made harmonies beautiful. To learn how to manipulate notes and use them together to make them sing.
Had hundreds of assignments and homework over those 4 years where I had to take a melody and harmonize it and create different kinds of counterpoints with it.
And let me tell you... I HATED IT, because I felt so restrained! University teachers tend to WAY overcomplicate concepts.
There. Were. So. Many. Rules. To. Follow.

That's why I went on a mission to simplify the art of creating beautiful harmony arrangements.
I was able to take everything I learned in my studies about creating harmonies, went to the root, found only what was essential, adapted it for guitar, and brought it to light in the most digestible way possible.
No more long-winded, tedious music theory presentations, or 100's of rules to follow.
The result is my brand new online course.

The step-by-step online course that shows you how to create 2, 3 or even 4-voice harmonies on guitar using the most beautiful and expressive note movements.
Take your melodic playing to the next level by learning the art of crafting beautiful harmonies that will make your melodies stand out, every time.
Here’s a sneak peek of what you'll learn in Remarkable Harmonies...
First we start at the current state of things: discovering when and how to use pedals or effects to create harmonies (because yes, in few cases, it might be the right choice to make).
Module 1 – Creating Harmonies with Pedals & Effects
- Introduction: The Art of Harmonizing
- Harmonizing With Pedals: Choosing The Right Tool For The Job
- How To Use a Harmonizer Pedal Effectively
- How To Use Shimmer Intervals As Harmonies Effectively
- The Many Limitations of Using Pedals (and what we will do instead)
Then, we proceed to learn the art of making harmonies without relying on any tools.
Module 2 – The Sound of Intervals
- The Chromatic Scale (labelling all notes we'll need to make harmonies)
- Intervalic Mirror Images (key concept behind harmonizing)
- Consonant intervals: 3rds & 6ths
- Perfect intervals: 4ths & 5ths
- Dissonant intervals: 2nds, 7ths and tritone
Module 3 – Note Motions & Movements
- The 4 Types of Line Motions (parallel, similar, oblique, contrary)
- The 7 Types of Note Movements (how to make expressive harmonies with each of them)
- Blending Line Motions & Non-Chord Tone Movements: The Key To Great Harmonies
After, we get in the nitty-gritty and start building full harmonies from scratch; it’s the bulk of the course. These lessons are longer, but very digestible and step-by-step!
Module 4 – 2-Voice Harmonies
- 5-Step Foolproof Framework To Write Beautiful Harmonies Every Time
- Music Theory for Major keys (chord structures, roman numerals, scale)
- FULL SESSION: Writing 2-Voice Harmonies in a Major Key
- EXTRA – Some Encouragement (you can do this!)
Module 5 – 3-Voice Harmonies
- Essential Guidelines For Writing With 3 or More Voices
- Music Theory for minor keys (chord structures, roman numerals, scale)
- FULL SESSION: Writing 3-Voice Harmonies In a Minor Key
Module 6 – 4-Voice Harmonies
- Writing 4-Voice Harmonies, part 1: Triadic Approach
- Music Theory with Extended Chords (chord functions, roman numerals)
- Writing 4-Voice Harmonies, part 2: Extended Approach
This curriculum will provide you with all the elements you need, no fluff, nothing unnecessary, to develop a strong foundation and start writing beautiful harmonized guitar arrangements with any melody.
The real cost...
I have personally spent $10 000+ in University tuition costs to attend courses like Harmony 101, Counterpoint 101, etc. All the foundational material I teach in this course.
So I know how expensive learning this material can cost by going the traditional route.
Luckily, online courses have changed that in recent years. You can learn the same principles, all from the comfort of your house, at your own rhythm, and for just a fraction of the price.
That’s why you can get access to Remarkable Harmonies for only one payment of $297.
Click on the button below to enroll in Remarkable Harmonies!
GET STARTED!Don't forget, it's completely risk free!
I know Remarkable Harmonies will help you write exceptional harmonies on guitar and break new ground with your guitar playing and writing.
And if you feel like I don’t deliver on that promise, in any way, then I don’t deserve your money. It’s that simple.
If you are not satisfied, simply send me a quick email asking for a refund up to 60 days after purchase, and I will send you 100% of your money back, no questions asked. Just a big smile, and thanking you for giving this course a try :-)
Also, I added 2 very nice bonuses to the course...

2 Special Trainings To Go Beyond
I decided to add 2 more exclusive trainings to this course that will help you expand beyond the guitar and beyond basic Major and minor keys.
- The first one, is an in-depth analysis of a violin & cello arrangement I wrote and recorded for my solo album Space Culture. You will see that, even when writing for other instruments than guitar, the same core harmonization principles apply and work like a charm to create beautiful harmonies!
- The second one, is a full training on how to apply the concept of harmonies to mixed modes keys (when a song uses multiple chords outside the key). This will help you create harmonies while changing modes and will expand the different sounds you can create with your arrangements!
These 2 trainings come with full tabs and notes.
You get them instantly when signing up today.
Mastering harmonies: the skill to get ahead and sound unique.
Let’s be honest: it’s hard to sound original when playing or writing music nowadays.
- All the best sounding chord progressions have been used thousands of times.
- All the logical, pleasing melodic movements have already been used in all their variations.
- And with Artificial Intelligence being trained to listen to these examples, it will only regurgitate variations of the same things.
I believe mastering harmonies is a skill to get ahead of the pack and sound truly original.
- Not to let a pedal or A.I. dictate which note is going to be played next.
- To carefully craft arrangements of notes that go well together, but don’t move in predictable ways.
- To masterfully suspend notes, to make them leap to expressive intervals or to glue them there when they were logically going to move.
That is what art is all about. Making artistic decisions.
Let’s not lose that in our technological world.
So your path to learn about crafting beautiful harmonies is just up ahead, all organized in a well-structured curriculum.
Enroll in Remarkable Harmonies today by choosing your plan below and let’s craft beautiful harmonies together!
Your passionate guitar teacher,