Why SUS6 Chords Don't Exist (but we see them everywhere)
Jul 25, 2022
Have you ever wondered why we get sus2 and sus4 chords, but never sus6 chords?
It should be logical: our triads are made of 1 - 3 - 5. So if we can suspend to the 2 and the 4, why can't we also suspend to the 6?
There's a fascinating reason that makes it impossible to get real ''sus6'' chords. The chord we get by applying the ''sus6'' method, although it doesn't exist in theory, we see it everywhere in the music we listen to!
I'm going to prove my points by analysing the song ''On The Nature Of Daylight'' by Max Richter, where the ''sus6'' principle is used all over the place and makes the chord progression even more interesting and varied.
Hope you'll enjoy the lesson :-)
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