What are Mu Major chords?

Apr 28, 2020

In today's lesson, I show you what are Mu Major chords, as popularized by the the rock-jazz band Steely Dan!

Those chords are awesome to get richer voicings without sounding too ''jazz'' with chord extensions.

In essence:
Regular chord: 1 - 3 - 5
Mu chord: 1 - 2 - 3 - 5

It's really easy to transform the open chords that you know into Mu chords. Here are the steps:

1) Pick your open chord
2) Find the repeated root note in it
3) Raise that note a whole step higher 

Mu Major chords are most of the times more stretchy than other types of chords, because you enlarge the fret span by raising a note 2 frets above!

Watch the video to learn more about it!

If you like my lesson, make sure to sign up for my free mini course on ambient chords by clicking below!

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