TC Electronic Ditto x4 - Ultimate Looper Starting Guide
Jan 20, 2023
In this video, I am showing you all functions you need to know to effectively use the TC Electronic Ditto x4 pedal.
I bet you’re going to find out about things you didn’t know were even possible with the Ditto x4!
You can refer to these time stamps to search for what you were looking for (or you can watch the entire demo - it’s really worth it!).
0:00 Intro
0:49 Basic functions (record, overdub, stop, erase, undo, redo)
5:59 Serial play style demonstration
7:52 Sync play style demonstration
9:49 Decay function demonstration
11:29 Using All 7 on board FX
13:59 Record, Store and Backing Track functions
17:24 Mode switch #1 (record-overdub order)
18:55 Mode switch #2 (overdub timing in sync mode)
19:55 Mode switch #3 – in Serial mode (record immediately)
21:15 Mode switch #3 – in Sync mode (unsynchronized loops)
23:00 Mode switch #4 (true or buffered bypass)
23:17 My gift to you (free ambient guitar course!)
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