Strymon Volante vs. Strymon El Capistan - Tape Loopers Comparison

Apr 28, 2020

You asked for it... here it is: a comparison of the loopers of the Strymon Volante vs. the Strymon El Capistan.

I have to say that the Volante looper is superior for a lot of things, but it only misses the warmth and the little mojo of the Tape Age on the El Capistan.

For everything else, it is really an upgrade on what the El Capistan is capable of, in my opinion! 

- Using the delay while looping
1:36 - Maximum record times
4:30 - Built-in effects
8:11 - Overdubbing and stopping degradation
10:26 - Stability of the repeats
13:20 - Deterioration quality & sounds
15:26 - Recap & conclusion

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