Keyboard Live Rig (Mainstage 3, Arturia Keylab 88, Macbook Pro)
Apr 28, 2020
In this video, I make a complete tour of what I use for my live rig when I play keyboards on tour for my progressive rock band Mystery.
I cover all the gear, but also show you what's possible as far as the functionalities I'm using inside Mainstage 3 (assigning faders, knobs, pads, sustain functions, etc).
List of the gear:
- Computer: Macbook Pro, Retina 15-inches, late-2013, 2.3 GHz, Intel Core i7, 16 gigs RAM
- Software: Mainstage 3
- Keyboards: Arturia Keylab 88 and Arturia Analog Experience The Laboratory 49 notes
- Sustain Pedal: M-Audio M-Gear
- USB Hub: Insigna USB 3.0 Powered hub
- Audio Interface: Focusrite 6i6
Hope that will give you some ideas to create your own live keyboard setup!
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