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How To Run Your Pedalboard In Stereo

Having a stereo pedalboard and rig can get confusing.

What's possible? What's not possible? What should I plug where? Do all my pedals need to have 2 output cables?

In this video, I will break down the very basic principles of what you need to do to get a stereo pedalboard.

The different examples will show you what is necessary to do according to different combinations and placement of mono & stereo pedals.

I think this is the most simple way to setup a stereo pedalboard. 

Pedals featured: TC Electronic Polytune Walrus Audio Deep Six Compressor Strymon El Capistan Strymon DIG Neunaber Wet Stereo Reverb Fulltone Supa-Trem.

Watch the video above to learn more!

Useful links:

Link to the stereo breakout cable

To learn more about stereo splitting


50% Complete

Two Step

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