Catalinbread Belle Epoch Tape Echo - Musical Demo
Jul 05, 2021
This is my demo of the Catalinbread Belle Epoch Tape Echo guitar pedal.
I have never played with an original EP-3, Echoplex, so I can't compare how close it sounds to it. But what I can say, is that this Belle Epoch pedal packs a lot of possibilities in a tiny box.
The way the Mix, Rec LVL and Modulation interact together is very dynamic! The pedal can also do some serious self-oscillation which I have not covered in this demo, but it can also be cool.
***Note: the distortion/noise in certain sounds in this demo is normal. It's when I pushed the Record LVL knob farther, and it is by design to replicate some of the mojo of the EP-3.
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