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All Strymon Delay Pedals Comparison

Are you confused about which Strymon Delay pedal you should get?

Want to know the differences between all of them?

Wonder if the Timeline can replicate exactly the sounds of the smaller pedals?

I'm answering all of that in this video! Here we compare the sounds and feature of the:

- Strymon Brigadier
- Strymon El Capistan
- Strymon DIG
- Strymon Timeline
- Strymon Volante

Here are some helpful timestamps to navigate through the video:
0:00 - Quick audition between all pedals
0:48 - Talking about differences in features
3:30 - Looping maximum times
3:58 - What's this pedal best at: Brigadier
6:01 - What's this pedal best at: El Capistan
7:46 - What's this pedal best at: DIG
9:51 - What's this pedal best at: Timeline
12:35 - What's this pedal best at: Volante
15:31 - Volante vs. El Capistan
16:37 - Timeline = 90% solution
17:31 - Timeline replicating El Capistan
18:22 - Timeline replicating Brigadier
18:52 - Timeline replicating DIG
19:45 - Which pedal you should get according to your needs (wrap up)
22:14 - My special gift to you


50% Complete

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